Fundación Movicancer

I run for them® 2019 edition

Every year more than 1,000 Nicaraguan women are diagnosed with breast cancer. In Nicaragua, this type of cancer ranks as the second cause of mortality with an incidence rate (new cases) of 31 per 100,000 women. Unfortunately, this type of cancer is becoming the main cause of disability and mortality, showing an increase of 84% in the period 2007-2013. Only in the period 2009-2013 (five years) some 3,241 Nicaraguan women were affected.

“I run for them® connected us with the reality that hundreds of women live and allowed some 2,000 people between men, women and children to show solidarity with the pain of others.

“I run for them® was a unique event this 2019. The funds collected are contributing to improving the quality of cancer care provided at the Bertha Calderón Hospital, the main cancer hospital that cares for 70% of the female population when it is most needed. And although care and dispensing have been strengthened in recent years, there is still much to be done, especially when the need includes high-cost drugs against breast cancer (HER2+).

Before the race “I run for them® we listened to the testimonies of some warriors who have survived breast cancer. Also, we lit “A LIGHT FOR HOPE” in honor of all the brave women who fought against breast cancer and are no longer with us, for those who fought and won and for those who are fighting.

This beautiful activity would not have been possible without the collaboration of the different companies that said “we join together”. And from Movicancer we want to thank you for your courage and solidarity for this noble cause.

A gesture that exalts the nobility of Nicaraguans.
