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Medical Information

The different contents, articles or audiovisual productions have been developed and made available to the public only for informative purposes and should not be interpreted as a firm line of attention. Content information may differ or vary with public policies of cancer patients care in Central American region, so it is not intended to replace medical prescription, diagnosis or treatment based on norms or policies. National cancer care or prevention.

Unless otherwise indicated, Movicancer does not approve or recommend any medical product or procedure. So we recommend always consult your physician or seek a second opinion, if necessary, about any question you may have about your diagnosis, treatment or prognosis of your illness.

Movicancer is committed to scientific veracity in content of all its articles and audiovisual productions, so all information available here has been made under strict source analysis, ensuring data accuracy. National and international prestige specialists have been consulted. However, under no circumstances will Movicancer assume responsability for errors or omissions in content of audiovisuals articles or productions. Nor do we accept any express or implied liability for actions or omissions from reader’s own interpretations.

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