Get involved & make impact on people's life

"Love to others must become the constant of our existence" - Pope Francisco
Help us with your time, talent and resources at the service of others. In Foundation Movicancer you can be part of a philanthropic work that will bring you another insight into reality. We invite you to know each one of our programs and projects in the fight against cancer; learn how you can help in this noble cause.

Donate to our programs & projects

Many patients need your support to continue their battle. Your donation will help to change lives of men, women and children with cancer. Together we can keep saving lives and bringing hope.

Cancer in children

Cancer in children

In Movicáncer we have different initiatives to help children with cancer diagnosis; facilitating their feeding and displacement to national reference hospitals to receive the treatment they need.

Cancer in women

Cancer in women

We are promoting a project for access to high-cost drugs for women with HER2-breast cancer. Treatment for this type of cancer is highly costly. With your help we can give them a chance to cure themselves of this terrible disease.

Sanitary Technology

Sanitary Technology

In Movicáncer we develop programs and projects in conjunction with public and private institutions in order to strengthen cancer Control programs.
Fundación Movicancer

Share your talent

There are several ways to support patients with cancer; one of them is share your talent and put them in the service of others. In Movicancer you can volunteer, do your internships or work with us to help build a Nicaragua with less cancer.

I want to be an intern

I want to be an intern

In Foundation Movicáncer we give you the opportunity for complementes your theoretical knowledge with practical work.

I want to be a volunteer

I want to be a volunteer

Be part of an experience that will bring another vision of reality. Share your time, skills and skills with those who need it most.

I want to work

Quiero trabajar

Have you ever considered working for and for the welfare of Nicaraguans? This may be the occasion you were looking for. We invite you to be aware of our job offers.