Donate now

Make a difference and make your donation today!

You can donate directly online to any of the foundation’s accounts for any of our programs, initiatives or projects in Nicaragua.

Write us at:

Online donation

Bank transfer

Make a donation to the foundation through a bank transfer using the following information:

Beneficiary Name


Account Number


Córdobas: 363599911
Dólares: 364200345

Planned donation

Foundation Movicancer accepts donations related to goods and/or durable equipment (furniture, equipment assemblies, building, etc.), or planned donations to future; such as inheritance of property or certificates to deadlines.

For more information on how to help:

Visit us
Movement Against Cancer Foundation, MOVICANCER. Reparto Las Palmas, del semáforo “El Guanacaste” 200 metros al Lago, 175 metros arriba. Casa 1108. Código postal: 12051. Managua, Nicaragua. Centroamérica

Call us
+505 22999216

Get in touch

Do you want your donation to be in honor of a special person or in memory of someone who has already passed away?

Note: If you are a Nicaraguan citizen or established company and are subject to annual travel, you may donate up to 10% of the net income calculated before this expense, for free transfers or donations under Law 822 (LCT), article 39, paragraph 16, numeral C.

In this case, please contact us at: to help you make your donation effective and support your deduction in the IR statement by providing you with the applicable law vouchers that support your donation.