Movicancer celebrates first promotion of job reintegration in women living with cancer

Movicancer celebrates the first promotion of labor rehabilitation for women living with Cancer.

In the context of the International Day of Cancer Fight, commemorated every February 4th, the Movicancer Foundation, together with the MINSA, developed the first promotion in dressmaking and sewing for women living with cancer and being treated at the Women’s Hospital “Dra. Bertha Calderon Roque”.

The ceremony took place in the main auditorium of this oncological center with the presence of national authorities. During this event, 15 women who enrolled in the regular course available at the Dressmaking and Handicraft Workshop, supported by Movicancer with donations from AVON and AMCA, were promoted. Additionally, the event featured the delivery of sewing machines to the women leading the workshop.

These sewing machines not only represent an opportunity to generate additional income for their families, but also symbolize empowerment and the promotion of dignity that cancer had taken away from them.

In addition to the sewing machines, the graduates received their proper certification in recognition of their commitment and perseverance in the learning process. These certificates represent much more than just a piece of paper; they are a testimony to the strength and determination of these women to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

At the end of the event, an exhibition of products and projects made by each of the leading women was held, and we feel deeply honored to have witnessed their growth and development.

Congratulations to all the graduates, and thank you to everyone who made this important achievement possible through their donations!

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